Process: Photoshop > Illustrator > InDesign > WordPress
Brand Identity, Marketing & Web Design

Brand Identity and website elements for a conceptual art and mural gallery in the historic CCRNJ Train Terminal at Liberty State Park. This project would repurpose the historic train shed and surrounding grounds into an art gallery and mural exhibition space. In addition, Golden Door would partner with local schools to provide internships and extracurricular programs for students to advance their arts education. An annual scholarship would be awarded to a graduating senior.

The name Golden Door was chosen from the closing lines of the poem The New Colossus by Emma Lazarus “Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” As part of the historic trilogy (Statue of Liberty, Ellis Island, & CCRNJ Terminal) the rail terminal was the starting point, the golden door to the American dream, for roughly two-thirds of the 15-17 million immigrants who entered America via Ellis Island between 1897-1925.